Saturday, September 6, 2008


The main post for this week is on the previous post. Pls do read this post if you have the time :)

Since the theme of our research is: GREEN
I could not resist sharing a beutiful song with all of us.
It is one of my favourite songs.
The title of the song is "Hijau" which meens green in malay and is sang by
Zainal Abidin, a great and respected singer from Malaysia.
Below you would find the lyrics and translation for the song. Excuse the direct translation
as I tried my best to translate it into english. Also the chorus labeled with **** is in kelantanese.
Notice the vast difference between normal Malay and Kelantanese malay.

Please do enjoy the song from the player to your right --->
Click to play and enjoy the song :)

Bumi yang tiada rimba.....................The earth without the forest
Seumpama hamba ............................Is like a slave
Dia dicemar manusia ........................She is polluted by humans
Yang jahil ketawa ..............................Who laugh away ignorantly

Bumi yang tiada udara .....................The earth with air
Bagai tiada nyawa .............................Is like without life
Pasti hilang suatu hari ......................Surely one day it will be gone
Tanpa disedari ...................................Without anyone noticing

Bumi tanpa lautan............................. The earth without the ocean
Akan kehausan ...................................Will thirst
Pasti lambat laun hilang ....................Sooner or later it will be gone
Duniaku yang malang......................... My unfortunate Earth

Dewasa ini kita saling merayakan ...................This days we keep celebrating
Kejayaan yang akhirnya membinasakan .......The acheivements which will brings destruction
Apalah gunanya kematangan fikiran ..............Whats the use of the maturity of the mind
Bila di jiwa kita masih lagi muda .....................When in the soul we are still young
Dan mentah ........................................................and gullible (direct translation means "raw")
Ku lihat hijau .......................................................I could see green

Bumiku yang kian pudar................................... My earth which is fading away
Siapa yang melihat .............................................with no one watching it
Di kala kita tersedar ...........................................By the time we realize
Mungkinkah terlewat......................................... It might have been too late

Korupsi,opresi,obsesi diri ..................Corruption,oppresion, self obssession
Polusi,depressi,di bumi,kini ...............Pollution, depression, on earth, today

Oh..anok-anok ....................................Ohh.. the children
tokleh meghaso mandi laok ..............Could not enjoy bathing in the sea
Besaing,maing ghama-ghama ...........Playing together marilly
Ale lo ni tuo umurnyo bejuto ..............Her age is in the millions
Kito usoho ..............................................We should work on
Jauhke dari malapetako ......................distancing Her away from disaster
Ozon lo ni koho nipih nak nak aghi .....The ozon layer is becoming thinner
Keno make asak .....................................being eaten away by smoke
Hok biso wei,pasa maknusio .................which are poisonous, because of man
Seghemo bendo-bendo di dunio ...........All the beings on Earth
Tokleh tehe .............................................would not stand
Sapa bilo-bilo ...........................................until forever

1 comment:

Brad Blackstone said...

Thanks, Junyen, for adding this, the lyrics to the truly beautiful song Hijau, which is one of my all-time favorite songs in Malay (although I'm not a specialist!).